Why we need an updated approach to supporting women who are dealing with fertility issues. 

Fertility Issues Come in all Shapes and Sizes

“Struggling with fertility issues” can mean a variety of different, but equally painful, scenarios depending on the unique set of circumstances a woman is dealing with…

She may have been told that she has a reproductive health challenge that may prevent her from getting pregnant easily, or at all, so before she even starts trying for a baby she is already fearful it won’t happen.

She may have been trying for 6 months or more and nothing is happening. She thought she was healthy and everything was fine but now she’s starting to question her body and wonder what’s wrong. 

She may have been trying for over a year, two or three and the whole process of making a baby has turned into an all consuming, painful and heartbreaking endeavour that’s really impacting her life and mental health.

She may have suffered a pregnancy loss, or multiple pregnancy losses and doesn’t know how to process her grief, or steady herself to try again and the fear is overwhelming. 

She may now be seeking advice from a fertility clinic on what treatments she could do, readying herself to undergo IVF or maybe she’s already gone a few rounds and hasn’t been successful and is feeling deflated, depressed and completely disempowered.

I could go on. This is not an exhaustive list of situations. There are many, many more and just like the women dealing with these issues are unique, so too are the many ways in which they take their physical and emotional toll. 

Fertility Support Needs to Change its Focus

I believe fertility issues are a majorly underserved area of women’s health in the world of holistic wellness. 

When I was dealing with recurrent miscarriages, which were unexplained, over the course of 6 years, I felt extremely isolated. I found it difficult to take advice from well-meaning medical professionals who were doling out text book statistics and encouraging me “just to keep trying”.

I have come to realise now why fertility is such an underserved area of women’s health. Because we are still living in a “results driven” wellness world and no - body can guarantee you a baby so health practitioners, outside the medical profession, don’t know what to do with that. 

Our perception on how to serve women struggling with fertility issues needs to change. Our approach needs to be more focused on the wellbeing of the woman, as an individual. Her wellbeing, happiness and health needs to be our priority. Once her feminine wellbeing is the outcome we’re after, then her fertility and chances for a successful pregnancy will naturally improve and she will feel so much better about her journey into motherhood. 

What does Real Fertility Support Look Like

Any survivor of fertility struggles who has come out the other side with their beautiful baby in their arms will tell you that if you’re not looking after your own health and wellbeing as a priority, a newborn will not magically make the imbalances you were feeling disappear. 

I wished I realised much sooner in my journey that I didn’t have to suffer. That I could prioritise my health and happiness even if while I was struggling to have a successful pregnancy. I wish someone would have told me that the best thing I could do for me and for my future newborn was to fortify myself and learn to mother myself before my baby arrived.

This is why I created The Fertility Reset Programme, to give you everything I wish I had when I was in the fertility trenches. That is…

  • Learning how to move with my menstrual cycle, not push myself all month long and berating myself for feeling tired and less productive for half of the month.

  • Learning how to prioritise hormone healthy food, balanced, home cooked meals rather than relying so heavily on bread, pasta, coffee and juicing which were driving my hormones way out of balance.

  • Learning the difference between masculine and the feminine energy and how a world made by men for men doesn’t actually suit the female experience at all and there are ways of finding much more balance in everything we do if we just understand the societal factors at play.

  • Learning that actually, fertility issues are widespread and way more common than we think, its just women don’t share this stuff as much as they do pregnancies and babies so we don’t see it. 

  • Learning that being vulnerable, telling my support people how I’m feeling and asking for help is not a sign of weakness or that I’m failing at anything, that its actually a natural part of being a well adjusted human and one of the most important life skills you can learn as a woman and as a future mother. 

Our perception on how to support women who are struggling with fertility issues needs to change. Everything I have put into this course is with the sole or soul purpose of helping you, as an individual woman, feel whole again.  Learning how to mother yourself first is how we reset our inherent fertility and bring our bodies, minds and hearts back into balance.

In preparation for The Fertility Reset Programme launch, I know you probably have loads of questions about how working with me could potentially help you. So I’m preparing an in depth webinar about “Why yoga might just be the practise to reset your fertility” and I’d love for you to join me. `We will be going live on zoom on the 26 October 2023 @ 10am (replay available to all who register), to cover the pillars of Yoga for Fertility and how this practise can support you and put more ease back into this journey for you.

This is a Free event, with absolutely no obligation to join the programme and I will be giving a little gift at the end so it’s definitely worth tuning in for.


How Fertility Yoga can help with painful periods, PCOS and Uterine Fibroids


The Main Reason Yoga for Fertility is Different to your Regular Yoga Practise.